NGC 2024 - Flame Nebula


The Flame Nebula is near the Great Orion Nebula as well as the Horsehead Nebula. It is also known as NGC 2024. It's in the Orion constellation with a size of 30x30 arc minutes on the sky (the size of the full moon). It's 1000 light years away, and great visually though a good scope.

For a zoomed out view of the area, click here.

This RGB data was taken remotely from Dark Sky New Mexico with a 106mm f/5 Takahashi refractor and an ASI2600 camera. Two nights were used to collect more than 4 hours of exposure. 10/18/2022 and 10/25/2022.


Exposure Count Binning
Red 85 min 17 x 5 min 1x1
Green 85 min 17 x 5 min 1x1
Blue 85 min 17 x 5 min 1x1

Total exposure time: 4 hrs, 15 min

All processing was in Pixinsight.

Previous attemp, quite early in my imaging journey. Feb 19 1999.

A composite of a three one minute exposures taken with the 12" LX200 and 416XT CCD at f3.3 in Monmouth, OR. (Feb 19, 1999).