

M82 (NGC 3034) is a spiral galaxy found in Ursa Major (Great Bear). It shines at magnitude 9.2, and is 11.3' x 4.3' in size. It is 12 million light years away.

This shot was taken at f/6.3 with the 12" LX200, AO7, and ST-8E CCD from my home dome in Monmouth Oregon on May 11, 2002. 

Filter Exposure Count Binning
Luminance 60 min 12 x 5 min 1x1
Red 15 min 3 x 5 min 2x2
Green 15 min 3 x 5 min 2x2
Blue 30 min 6 x 5 min 2x2

A little DDP and unsharp mask was applied. Also some blooms were removed.